Thursday, March 22, 2007

Will PageRank Last?

Is it just me or are the search engine spammers figuring out how to game PageRank and whatever other algorithms the search engines have come up with?

I did a search last night on 'pseudafed while breastfeeding' because my wife is sick and breastfeeding. On Yahoo, the top 10 results all had the name of a drug that starts with Z in the title and all of the urls ended in messages/somenumber.html. I won't name the 'Z' drug here because I wouldn't want my super popular blog to help their PageRank :))

Googles results seemed marginally better - with only 4 of the top 10 containing the same 'Z' medication. My favorite result link was one which had the same 'Z' drug in the title 3 times. The page itself displayed blank for me in Firefox, but actually contained lots of links guessed it...pages referencing the 'Z' drug.

The big question is - will the search engines find a way to keep this from tainting the results or will they have to abandon PageRank schemes altogether?


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