Controlling HS110 smart plug with Amazon Echo
I recently purchased a TP-Link HS110 smart plug wanting to get it to work with the Amazon Echo Dot I got for Christmas.
Alexa can find some smart devices "out of the box" but was unable to detect this model of smart plug. TP-Link has a web service that you can sign up for but I don't really want to sign up for any third party services because I don't trust them to have hooks in my home network.
I did find a script to control the TP-Link plug here. I believe it works with both the HS100 and HS110 models. This allowed me to control the plug easily from any of my linux machines using only a shell script and a few command line tools that are usually already available on linux.
I also found this python script that acts like one or more WeMo devices. If you run this script on the same network as your Amazon Echo, it will find the fake devices you configure and allow you to send on/off commands to the script.
So with a little scipt-fu I modified the the python script to invoke the shell script to control the smart plug and bingo! Now I can ask Alexa to turn the plug on or off and she dutifully complies.
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