Sunday, November 27, 2005

Still More Online Shopping That Sucks!

I was all ready to actually make a purchase at I did not have an account so they asked me to create one. On the web page where I was to choose a username and password, they also displayed 'Terms of Service' which were too long to bother reading, but I'm a sucker so I started reading it.

A few paragraphs in, it states that as part of the terms of use, I was expected to read the terms of use each time I used the sight in case they had changed - and if I did not agree to the terms of use, then I should not use the site.

Needless to say I chose not to use the site. Any web site that does this should be die a slow death due to lack of clicks.

More Online Shopping That Sucks

Go to and under electronics, choose MP3 players. Then choose flash based players. The first item in the results list is blank with only a message 'No information available'.

If there is no information available, why are they displaying it at all?

They need to hire some new developers for their web site...

Why Shopping For MP3 Players Online Sucks

I often browse popular electronics web sites and look at MP3 players to see what's new and hip.

I have a major beef with every site that I have seen that sells MP3 players. For MP3 players that come in multiple colors, each color shows up in the search results for each color. So if a model comes in 10 different colors, it takes up an entire page in the search results.

Hello?? This is ridiculous. Who are the geniuses that created web sites that behave like this? When shopping for online apparel, I can browse styles and after I find one I like, I can choose the color and size. There is nothing technically difficult about this and these web sites should all be ashamed.